Safety signs

Every person who involved or worked at factory or plant very regular with safety sign.It are displayed around the working area to inform workers of the regulation and rules when working in hazardous area.

Safety sign also educated the workers how to perform the task in safety condition.It also gave a big impact to workers to always follow safety rules and can reduce incident at working area.

For the new workers and not familiar with real working condition,safety sign is the main guidance to do the jobs in proper and safety condition.So i hope with my post can expose the basic of safety sign meaning and purpose at our working area. read more


Pocket Sabreā„¢ 1820 Flashlight

I have a 1 unit flashlight to used in my electrical works.It is very important when doing work in the control panel or distribution panel because this area less of light exposure.It very dangerous if we do the work in the dark and can cause electric shock accident.

I`m Using the flash light from Pelican brand because it is durable,heavy duty,resistance from chemicals,corrosion and water.It have a white beam can penetrates any hazardous situation.It also submersible,Explosion proof and powered by 2c alkaline battery.

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